Arizonans rejected Chemtrail Kelli Ward’s embarrassing behavior and dangerous ideas just one year ago. But she’s back at it again. Chemtrail Kelli supported
16. März 2020 Weitere Informationen zu Wolfgang Wodarg – auch zu seiner Kritik an “ Chemtrails”:
A rogue psychological evolutionist must stop a nefarious plot from unfolding It is important to distinguish between Contrails and Chemtrails. Contrails are streaks of condensed water vapor created in the air by jet airplanes at high altitudes. 16. März 2020 Weitere Informationen zu Wolfgang Wodarg – auch zu seiner Kritik an “ Chemtrails”: Christoph Keller - The Chemtrails Project.
chemtrails şükela: tümü | bugün gökyüzünde gördüğümüz uçak izlerinin ve bu izlerin kalıntılarının bazılarının aslında gökyüzünden uçaklarca saçılan ve insanları etkileyen kimyasal maddeler olduğunu düşünenlerin bu kimyasal madde bırakma hadisesine verdikleri isim. bazı sabahlar gökyüzünü bu izlerle dolu olarak görünce insan acaba demeden de edemiyor. 2017-08-11 · Chemtrail ise kimyasal spreylemelerin yapıldığı diğerine göre daha uzun ve hemen kaybolmayan izlerdir. Bu püskürtülen kimyasalın içeriğinde Alüminyum, Stronsiyum, Baryum ve Kükürt Chemtrails har länge varit ett samtalsämne och ett populärt föremål för spekulationer.
Contrails are streaks of condensed water vapor created in the air by jet airplanes at high altitudes. 16. März 2020 Weitere Informationen zu Wolfgang Wodarg – auch zu seiner Kritik an “ Chemtrails”:
Chemtrails Project UK is part of a growing worldwide movement that is raising awareness of chemtrails and taking action to ban climate geoengineering and weather modification. We have created the Directive to present hard, irrefutable evidence that this illicit, global crime is not merely a "proposal" but is indeed happening today.
Chemtrails Over Pennsylvania. 891 likes. Chemtrails Over Pennsylvania is a citizen journalism project that documents and reports on geoengineering activity in Pennsylvia.
Chemtrails Project UK is part of a growing worldwide movement that is raising awareness of chemtrails and taking action to ban climate geoengineering and weather modification. We have created the Directive to present hard, irrefutable evidence that this illicit, global crime is not merely a "proposal" but is indeed happening today.
Then one morning as I was sitting facing the window reading my Bible I was watching a couple of jets fly by leaving a trail I really didn’t think anything about it but then I watch them do exactly what my friend said the trails expanded and remained.
Last month, Senator John
Chemtrail-försvarare hävdar att chemtrails är frysta flygplansspår, men de kan inte förklara varför normala plan som flyger genom samma luft samtidigt inte lämnar några spår alls. De kan inte heller svara på frågan varför detta fenomen endast har setts sedan mitten på nittiotalet, och ofta inte ses alls i glest befolkade områden (ibland med en mycket kallare luft).
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„chemiczne ślady”; termin chemtrails jest skrótem od chemical trails i grą słów na contrails) – teoria spiskowa zakładająca, że smuga kondensacyjna powstająca za lecącym samolotem jest – zawsze bądź tylko w niektórych przypadkach – wytworem mającym utajony cel, wywoływany dystrybucją na wielkich obszarach dużych ilości substancji Nieuw type Chemtrail induceert hartritmestoornissen en koude handen / voeten bij sommige. In de afgelopen paar maanden is een nieuw type chemtrail gebruikt. Dit type veroorzaakt een smaak in de lucht die lijkt op een krijtachtige slaappil “.
Deze smaak is het best te omschrijven als een sterke, farmaceutische smaak. Se hela listan på
.com/artist/the-shogunz/chem-trails-explicit/star-feat-nakyn/TRglcXm6rllz2q6 ://
Directed by Jonathan Villalpando. With Dee Villalpando, Jonathan Villalpando. A rogue psychological evolutionist must stop a nefarious plot from unfolding
It is important to distinguish between Contrails and Chemtrails.
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I became aware of chemtrail‘s about to years ago. A friend of mine told me and I thought that he had gone off the deep end. Then one morning as I was sitting facing the window reading my Bible I was watching a couple of jets fly by leaving a trail I really didn’t think anything about it but then I watch them do exactly what my friend said the trails expanded and remained.
Besprutning av chemtrails. Andra namn man använder är geoengineering, solar radiation management, aerosolbesprutning, global dimming, climate control. 2001, direkt efter attentatet i USA så gick Göran Persson och Socialdemokraterna Amerikas president George Bush till mötes i tysthet om ett samarbete mot terrorismen och att delta i HAARP-programmet. Det finns personer som anser att en del kondensationsstrimmor efter flygplan är medvetna utsläpp av farliga ämnen avsedda för att påverka oss människor. De benämner strimmorna chemtrails. Book Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth On Sale NOW : No Natural Weather: Introduction to Geoengineering 101 [Chemtrails Exposed] If you were a skeptic before, I can assure you, that you will not be after hearing what she (the video below) has to say to the people in power.
Chemtrails är uttrycket för en av många attacker på vädret och vår hälsa. De flesta tror att chemtrails är kondensationsstrimmor som alla jetflygplan lämnar efter sig. Skillnaden är dock stor. En vanlig kondensationsstrimma börjar en bra bit efter flygplanet, är ganska kort och försvinner efter några minuter.
891 likes. Chemtrails Over Pennsylvania is a citizen journalism project that documents and reports on geoengineering activity in Pennsylvia. After asking Nurse Emily to get in touch with Kellor for some diagnostic stuff, Tess gets in her car and finds a mysterious envelope with a bunch of Kellor promotional material, and also several flyers about chemtrails. Ha ha! Awesome. Back at her motel, Tess types “chemtrails cover up” into Dogpile, which I cannot BELIEVE still existed in A growing number of people believe contrails are actually “chemtrails”. Or the release of toxic chemicals into the atmosphere.
Archaic and inane, like an alter sheltered brain. Here's your day job.