BUDAPEST/WARSAW/BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Hungary will veto the European Union’s 2021-27 budget and its COVID recovery scheme if access to funds is made …
Highlights, press releases and speeches. All official European Union website addresses are in the domain.. See all EU institutions and bodies
Next Generation EU (NGEU): €750 billion. COVID-19 recovery package front-loaded over the first years. €390 billion grants. On Wednesday, the text agreed with Council on 10 November on the long-term EU budget for 2021-2027 was approved with 548 votes in favour, 81 against and 66 abstentions. The text agreed with Council on the Interinstitutional Agreement (IIA) was approved with 550 votes in favour, 72 against and 73 abstentions.
Ireland is expected to be a net contributor to the EU budget for some time to come thanks to our relative economic strength and the lingering impact of Brexit, according to Ireland's member on the EU leaders on July 21 agreed on spending €1.82 trillion ($2.08 trillion) for the period of 2021-27, which includes the €750 billion ($857 billion) recovery instrument to help relaunch the 2020-12-10 MEPs approve 2021-27 EU budget. By. John Paul Cordina-December 16, 2020 9:23 PM. Photo: European Parliament. Tista' taqra bil- Malti. The European Parliament gave its consent to the EU’s next Multiannual Financial Framework, the bloc’s long-term budget for 2021-2017.
Retsstaten: Ny mekanisme skal beskytte EU's budget og værdier The EU budget battle has entered its toughest stage — the fight over numbers.
EU:s stats- och regeringschefer har enats om en flerårig budgetram, också kallad långtidsbudget, på 1074,4 miljarder euro för åren 2021–27
Last week's special Council meeting on the next EU budget 2021-2027 ended without an agreement. When EU leaders left Brussels on Friday after close to 30 hours of negotiations, there was no timeline set for further talks. DEBAT: EU’s medlemslande er uenige om både økonomien og prioriteterne forud for EU’s budgetplanlægning for 2021-27. Men det ender nok med et kompromis, som alle kan leve med, skriver Peter Nedergaard, Professor ved Institut for Statskundskab, KU. Den ökande budgeten gör ändå att Sveriges EU-avgift kommer att öka i rena pengar, med ungefär sex miljarder kronor till runt 45 miljarder om året.
This paper provides a review and assessment of the EU budget and Cohesion policy reforms proposals for 2021-27.1 European Commission proposals for the
€390 billion grants; €360 billion loans; Capital raised on the financial markets. Breakdown of EU EU budget: European Commission welcomes the adoption of the EU's long-term budget for 2021-2027 Speech 23 July 2020 Speech by President von der Leyen at the European Parliament Plenary on the conclusions of the Special European Council meeting of 17-21 July 2020 Second draft general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2021. 27 July 2020. Draft general budget 2021.
The new Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) will cover seven years between 2021 and 2027. The MFF, reinforced by
30 Sep 2020 It is intended to reflect the six political priorities set out by von der Leyen: the European Green Deal; a Europe fit for the digital age; an economy
27 May 2020 EC presents 1.85 trillion recovery budget for 2021-27. -. On 27 May 2020, the European Commission put forward its proposals for a recovery
E.U. 2021-27 budget. Margaret Keenan, 90, is applauded by staff as she returns to her ward after · Why isn't Europe joining the US and UK rush to vaccinate for
13 Nov 2020 Statement by the President on the provisional agreement on the EU budget. European research funding – an important step in the right
8 May 2018 On the 2nd of May, 2018 the European Commission (EC) released its proposals related to the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) of
17 Oct 2019 The proposed budget holds spending roughly in line with the previous budget, at €1.14 trillion over the seven-year budget period (2021-27).
Consignor portal
EU leaders agreed a recovery package and the 2021-2027 budget that will help the EU to rebuild after the pandemic and will support investment in the green and digital transitions.
Further information: This is the first budgetary procedure
There will be improved tracking to make sure that at least 30% of the total amount of the European Union budget and Next Generation EU expenditures will
22 Dec 2020 adoption of the Multiannual Financial Framework for the period 2021-27 is taken. We will have a look into the breakdown of the EU budget:. 2 Dec 2020 Member states from Southeast Europe are set to be the greatest beneficiaries It is planned to comprise the EU long-term budget for 2021-27
1 Feb 2021 The European Commission is working on a new proposal for its 2021-2027 multiannual budget, which is to be paired with a recovery plan
With a budget of 2.2 billion EUR it is the biggest ever funding programme for the cultural and creative sector at EU level. This budget will allow the continuation of
27 Jan 2021 Only a more radical reshaping of EU resources would enable the EU budget to cover the costs more substantially than it does today.
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En uppgörelse finns slutligen på plats för EU:s gigantiska långtidsbudget och nästa långtidsbudget, på totalt 1 074,4 miljarder euro under åren 2021-27.
When EU leaders left Brussels on Friday after close to 30 hours of negotiations, there was no timeline set for further talks. European Union leaders failed to agree on its new 7-year budget on Friday. The 27 leaders of all member states had spent two days in a standoff over the 2021-27 believe the EU's 2021-2027 The EU has a long-term budget of €1,082.5 billion for the period 2014–2020, representing 1.02% of the EU-28's GNI. and of €1,074.3 billion for the 2021-2027 period.
EU's langsigtede budget 2021-27 . Genopretningsfonden og EU's budget for 2021-2027 . Økonomi Ajourført den: 30-03-2021 - 15:32 . Oprettet: 02-05-2018 - 11:30 . Et ambitiøst langsigtet EU-budget vil blive nødvendigt for økonomien og for at bygge et grønt, …
2020 Il y a urgence à trouver un compromis alors que l'Europe lutte pour sortir de la récession causée par la pandémie. Le déblocage du plan de 27 févr. 2020 Budget 2021-2027 de l'Union européenne : un long processus de négociations. International Investissements en Europe. Les ressources de Merete Clausen, Head of Unit, Directorate-General of. Economic and Financial Affairs, European Commission. 1.
Margaret Keenan, 90, is applauded by staff as she returns to her ward after · Why isn't Europe joining the US and UK rush to vaccinate for 13 Nov 2020 Statement by the President on the provisional agreement on the EU budget. European research funding – an important step in the right 8 May 2018 On the 2nd of May, 2018 the European Commission (EC) released its proposals related to the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) of 17 Oct 2019 The proposed budget holds spending roughly in line with the previous budget, at €1.14 trillion over the seven-year budget period (2021-27).