Cheap Earphones & Headphones, Buy Quality Consumer Electronics Directly from China Suppliers:Original ISK HD9999 Pro HD Monitor Headphones Fully enclosed Monitoring Earphone DJ/Audio/Mixing/Recording Studio Headset Enjoy Free Shipping Worldwide! Limited Time Sale Easy Return.
The iSK HD-9999 Headphones are in a class of their own, comparable with similar headphones of a far higher price point. The iSK HD-9999 headphones have a full and very detailed sound from the lowest bass notes to crystal clear high's.
4 varianter As with most closed-back headphones, ISK HD9999 too boosts high frequencies and bass. The low end is accented by a moderate 5 dB gain at 60 Hz and the boost doesn’t extend too deep in low mids which makes the sound less muddy than some rivals, however, the 200 Hz to 1 kHz region is too muted which may lead to your mixes sounding muddy on other playback systems if you work with them uncalibrated. Compare with similar items. This item iSK HD9999 Fully Enclosed Monitoring Headphone with Carry case. beyerdynamic DT 770 PRO 80 Ohm Over-Ear Studio Headphones in black.
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T. RUE. -. Uint8. 13-42. Logisk rege. [9999-0 N/A].
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99,99 kHz. 0,01 Hz. ± (0,1% + 1). 77 IV er tid kan du fastställa potentiella prob lemområden. #.
ISK HD9999 to słuchawki cechujące się wspaniałą jakością słyszalnego dźwięku . Sprawdzą się idealnie przy cięższych brzmieniach muzycznych, a także w
Авито-доставка, ПР, СДЭК. Наушники ISK HD 9999 . Новые. Наушники понравились. Слегка As with most closed-back headphones, ISK HD9999 too boosts high frequencies and bass. The low end is accented by a moderate 5 dB gain at 60 Hz and the boost doesn’t extend too deep in low mids which makes the sound less muddy than some rivals, however, the 200 Hz to 1 kHz region is too muted which may lead to your mixes sounding muddy on other playback systems if you work with them uncalibrated. Compare with similar items.
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Sprawdzą się idealnie przy cięższych brzmieniach muzycznych, a także w Наушники без микрофона ISK HD-9999 Black ✓СРАВНИ предложения всех интернет-магазинов и ВЫБЕРИ самое выгодное! ➤HOTLINE знает, где Наушники ISK HD-9999 Black (F00174858) 】 купить на ⏩ ROZETKA ✓ Наушники с гантией ✨ Доступная цена ✓ Отзывы покупателей ⚡ Доставка по Isk Hd-9999 Профессиональный Hifi Hd Монитор Наушники Компьютерная Запись Монитор Гарнитура Бесплатная Доставка - купить по цене от 3266.84 ISK HD9999 słuchawki nauszne studyjne monitorujące przewodowe. Sprzęt audio » Słuchawki.
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The iSK HD-9999 Headphones are in a class of their own, comparable with similar headphones of a far higher price point. The iSK HD-9999 headphones have a full and very detailed sound from the lowest bass notes to crystal clear high's.
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Katowice, Bogucice 31 mar Słuchawki iSK HD9999 zostały skonstruowane z myślą o mocnym graniu. Doskonale czują się w muzyce z cięższym uderzeniem – rockowej i metalowej ale ISK HD9999 czarno-złote ➤ porównanie cen w 11 sklepach, cena już od 309,00 zł ✓ poznaj wiarygodne opinie ✓ przeczytaj recenzje ✓ sprawdź dane 7 Gru 2017 Przykład?
My current one is a super68 HD681, but I want buy other. iSK; Model: HD9999; Categories: Over-ear Headphones; Reviews of this Shop. 211. Similar Products; Shop Gear Categories Brands Shops Deals and Steals Price Drops 0% iSK provides the highest quality products at prices far lower than any equivalent product from another brand. The HD-9999 headphones are no exception to this.