Toljamo Tuula, Mazur Witold, Ishikawa Nobuhisa, Kohno Nobuoki, Kinnula Vuokko L; Affiliations Horimasu Yasushi Rönty Mikko Vuopala Katri Toljamo Tuula Mazur
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- Tuula Toljamo, MD, PhD, Finland 13.30 – 14.00 Significance of the migration – identification of tuberculosis among refugees and management of detected cases - Karin Rönning, MD, MHA, Norway 14.00 – 14.45 LUNCH 14.45 – 15.40 Tracing and identification of tuberculosis cases among risk groups today in Finland. Collaboration BibTeX @MISC{Ishikawa_inthe, author = {Nobuhisa Ishikawa and Witold Mazur and Tuula Toljamo and Katri Vuopala and Mikko Rönty and Yasushi Horimasu and Nobuoki Kohno and Vuokko L Kinnula}, title = {in the lung, induced sputum and plasma}, year = {}} Tuula Toljamo. Pentti Nieminen. Vuokko L Kinnula.
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549677,85. Holopainen Jussi Tapio . 464435,84. Tapojärvi Pertti Esko Olavi Many young smokers want to quit smoking: in a recent Finnish survey study, a majority (60.2%) of the daily young smokers had made unsuccesfull quit attempts. Still, only a small number of studies have been published on smoking cessation in young adult smokers. Our aim was to further study the effectiveness of different smoking cessation aids in young adults e.g motivational interview method Tuula Toljamo Chest Physician at Lapin Sairaanhoitopiirin Ky Lapin Sairaanhoitopiirin Ky University of Oulu, +2 more Matti Toljamo Yrittäjä at SUOMEN ECOWALL OY SUOMEN ECOWALL OY Marko Toljamo Communications Specialist at The Finnish Seamen´s Mission Reporting data analysis methods in high-impact respiratory journals Pentti Nieminen1, Tuula Toljamo2 and Hannu Vähänikkilä1 Affiliations: 1Medical Informatics and Data Analysis Research Group, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland.
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Tuula Toljamo, MD, PhD, Chief Chest Physician of Lapland Central Hospital, University of Oulu: Identifier: NCT03235505 Other Study ID Numbers: WI218780 : First Posted: August 1, 2017 Key Record Dates: Last Update Posted: November 25, 2020 Last Verified: November 2020
Relatively little is known about the attitudes of young people to restrictions on smoking in public places and to environmental second-hand smoke in Tuula TOLJAMO, Chief of Pulmonary Department | Cited by 491 | of Lapland Central Hospital, Rovaniemi | Read 37 publications | Contact Tuula TOLJAMO Home Lapland Central Hospital Tuula Toljamo. Keuhkosairauksien erikoislääk., lääketieteen tohtori, keuhkosairausopin dosentti. LT, Keuhkosairauksien erikoislääkäri, Keuhkosairausopin dosentti.
PALVELUT Ilona Toljamo. TALOUS Tuula Kautiainen.> Lääkeinformaatiopalvelujen organisoinnin tarve Suomen lääkehuollossa. Lääkeinformaatiopalvelujen
Tuula A. Nymand, Panu Oksab, Tapio Vehmasb, Sisko L. Anttilaa,b, ∗. 24. lokakuu 2019 Tulosaluejohtaja Tuula Toljamo sanoo, että vuodeosaston sulkemisesta huolimatta kenenkään työt eivät lopu, vaan henkilöstö siirtyy töihin 1 May 2020 Authors: Rostila, Annina M.; Anttila, Sisko L.; Lalowski, Maciej M.; Vuopala, Katri S.; Toljamo, Tuula I.; Lindström, Irmeli; Baumann, Marc H.; 15 May 2020 Jing Gao Tanja Törölä Chuan-Xing Li Steffen Ohlmeier Tuula Toljamo Pentti Nieminen Noboru Hattori Ville Pulkkinen Hiroshi Iwamoto Witold 27. marraskuu 2020 ylilääkäri Tuula Toljamo.
Early detection of COPD combined with individualized counselling for smoking cessation: A two-year prospective study. Toljamo, Tuula Nieminen, Pentti Mazur, Witold License Information. unspecified valid from 2014-04-24 .
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Pernilla • 7 år sen. Juha Tulonen, Esko Turunen, Tuula, Eero Vasara, Max Wiberg, Kari Vilkman, Ilkka Villi, Tuula Nikkola, kuvaussihteeri Eero Toljamo, lavasterakentaja Minister Tuula Haatainen bekantar sig med de norska kvinnokvoterna Perälä, Kristiina Junttila, Maisa Toljamo: benchmarking-järjestelmän kehittäminen hoito-. kyrkan, Härnösands stifts valkrets, Centerpartiet, 26, Tuula Slottsborg, 67 år, Kusten Församlingarnas Väl i Kramfors pastorat, 31, Laila Toljamo, Ullånger. 9 Docent i barnneurologi Tuula Lönnqvist Jag har hydrocefalus11 Pasi SFlbservicechef Ilona Toljamo, Finlands CP-förbund rf Gratisblöjor och gratis F45 219.
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Tuula Toljamo has almost 40 years experience in treating different respiratory symptoms and already diagnosed lung diseases.
Engelsk titel: Early detection of COPD combined with individualized counselling for smoking cessation: A two-year prospective study Läs online Författare: Toljamo, Tuula; Kaukonen, Marjo; Nieminen, Pentti; Kinnula, Vuokko L Email: Språk: Eng Antal referenser: 38 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 10031723
19. Summa: 14 534. Listnummer: 0002-16307.
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